
Hi, my name is Shobhan. I currently live in the Bay Area. Not so long ago, I graduated from Georgia Tech with a degree in Physics, and in Mechanical Engineering. I currently work at Rigetti as a Quantum Engineer where I get to cool down SQUIDs in a fridge and shoot microwaves at them: I play with superconducting qubits.

When I'm not doing physics I like to play music. I picked up guitar in college and I'm currently trying my hands on keyboard and drums; trying to hone my music skills in general; trying to figure out what this super-ultra-hyper-mega-meta-lydian chord is all about. Hopefully i will record something coherent in the near future.

You can also find me at the beach trying to catch some waves on a egg-surfboard, pretending to know what I'm doing. I like water sports a lot and I used to competitvely swim as a kid. Really looking forward to the annual Alcatraz Swim event.

This site will most probably be updated very sporadically.